
Ma chere Mademoiselle,  
It is with deepest pride and​ greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight and now we invite you to relax.. Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly pr​esents your dinner! 

Be our ​​​guest! 

13313 Westr​idge Pl NW, Silverdale WA 98383


November 7th, 2023


The Cave of Two Lov​ers



Think northern lights & sunsets
Colors: pastel blues, lavender, dusty rose, & gray's. 
Style: semi-formal to formal 
(can compensate with a big smile and a whole lot of love)

"Wait...w​here do you live?"

- Dylan, before setting the first date with Natalie because she was possibly outside of his deal breaking 10 mile radius. *Natalie exaggeratingly rolls her eyes* 

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